I weep For My Country (Fresh attack on students in Yobe State)

I was miserable when I heard the news of the attack on and massacre of the students of Federal Government College Buni-Yadi in Yobe State in the early hours of this morning while they were sleeping in their hostels. 29 children or more! I screamed with utter disbelief. Even animals deserve better. Many thoughts raced through my mind as I tried to resist the urge to weep for my country. Why would young men invade a secondary school just to slaughter innocent, young children? What offense did these harmless children commit? What are our leaders doing about these indiscriminate killings? Where were the Nigerian Police Force, the Nigerian Army JTF and other security agencies? Why would our security agencies and agents guard only first class citizens and not our schools, offices, markets, homes? Are we still safe in this country? Are some people more Nigerian than others? Why are the decent citizens of this nation ...