AFLOAT Season 4 E. 1

                            Previously: AFLOAT SEASON 3 E.11

Mastering others is strength, mastering yourself is true power.

- Lao Tzu.


Maitama, Abuja -

How could he tell her that he fell in love with her right from the first day Alex introduced her to him and their other friends. It was like a charm and from that moment his fantasies became all about Tricia. 

He would frequent Alex's home just to catch a glimpse of Tricia. When Alex informed him they were having problems, he had tried to mediate between them while secretly anticipating and wishing for the day they would break up. Sadly that day seemed only to be a figment of his imagination because Alex was not ready to let go of her. 

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He had tried to subdue these thoughts and feelings all to no avail. After several arguments with himself, he had finally conceded to the reity—he was obsessed with his brother's woman. He did not need a divination to know that he would be a dead man if Alex got to know about his feelings, yet concealing his emotions around Alex was becoming a lost battle.

Thoughts of her had become an euphoric torment and the main reason for his various altercations with his woman. Ada's vengeance started when he had carelessly called out Tricia's name in the throes of passion. That was months ago, but she was still unwilling to forgive him. 

But Ada's forgiveness was the least of his worries. His most urgent problem was that he seemed to have lost interest in other women. He had tried picking up girls but ended up making a fool of himself when he could not respond to their advances. 

Cursing quietly, David poured the last content of the wine glass down his throat and hastily refilled it. The liquor felt like drenching a burning coal with gasoline. His body was ablaze. David could almost hear the sound of his blood rushing through his veins as he slowly unzipped his pants. 



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