Nikky's Diary - 17 Again?

Getting to where I am today took a lot of will power. Better still, I should say that the turn my life took is a surprise I am still trying to get used to.

Some people might say; is it not Nikky? I know her story nah. My response will always be a Laugh out Loud (LOL). Nwanne you don't know nothing.

Anyway, someone recently asked me if I would like to be 17 again and it got me thinking. Sincerely, if I had an option of going back to the days of being called the frigid, cold, unattractive, silent young girl who acted ignorant while indeed she was smart and worthy of the best, I think I would gladly pass with my head held high. 

Don't get me wrong; being a teenager and a young girl had its high points. I won't hurriedly forget the happy moments shared with loved ones who believe in me, the laughter, joy and very few nice friends. Yet, looking back I still won't want to do it again.

Overcoming the uncertainties, unnecessary pressures, unfriendly friends, unhealthy competitions, confusion from foes hiding behind Friendly masks, jealousy from known and unknown quarters (bad belle people plenty eh), dimming my light for undeserving others and choosing the real over the fake were battles I would rather not relive nor revive. This strong and amazing woman I see in my mirror today is what I am picking and sticking with.

I am not concluding that the crusade for a better me is over, definitely not. But hey; I must admit that I love this stage of my life and I am so enjoying the somewhat blind leaps, responsibilities, gainful back aching and brain-spinning career, winning necessary points, waking up to the smiling face of undisguised love, the joy of family, stable friendship of good people (omo I finally met angels at a point I thought I was doomed to meeting only the worst people), the few hints of graceful aging and yes the unchanging love of my able God. 

As to be expected, there are still grey areas but my joy is that they are not tainted with  uncertainties hatched by bitter people and for that I am eternally grateful. 

Although I do not know what the future holds, I am not riled up because I certainly know who Nikky is and that makes me eager to face the future.

Why am I writing this?

Well, I hope this not so insightful piece (this is not an autobiography lol!) inspires you today. Truthfully, there is nothing you cannot do and trust me, your best days are still to come. My prayer is that someday, we will  look back with broad smiles and grateful hearts.

READ ALSO: Scream Out The Pain


  1. You are a tough, intelligent and trustworthy lady. The best writer and very pretty. The best gift to mankind. Thanks for sharing and best wishes


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