
Woes of a Coffee Drinker

If you're a Nigerian, then you would agree that most of us, if not all, love our tea or cocoa (Milo, Bournvita and so on) with cream especially on a cold morning or just for "washing down" our breakfast or even dinner. Chai, you need to see the queue at Mai Shayi's (tea seller) shop down my street every morning. Yeah, for most of us, it's tea or a big bottle of chilled Coca cola. Somehow in the course of my adulthood, I was introduced to decaffeinated coffee and I fell in love with it too. I became hooked and started having an open mind whenever it had to do with beverages. Well that was until my coffee woes.

Latest Naija Mental Disorder

 A new addition to mental disorders is called "Obsessive Japa Mental Disorder" (OJMD) Causes 1. Naija economy  2. Childhood trauma 3. Adulthood trauma 4. Genetics 5. Sudden wealth Symptoms

Worst Valentine Ever

Not everyone is enjoying this Valentine's day.. .

Happy Valentine's day

We are grateful you're part of the NIB family. As we celebrate the season of love, we hope you feel how special you are to us  ❤️ Happy Valentine's Day  from  Nikkyivyblog (NIB)

2023 Nigerian Presidential Election: United We Stand

Recently, I met a Cameroonian and the first question he asked after the introduction that I am a Nigerian was, " are you from Anambra? " Lol!  I was curious and since I had some minutes to spare, I fired questions at him in my bid to get to the root of his initial question. As expected, it paved the way for a conversation about the forthcoming Nigerian presidential election.  As we navigated the delicate waters of the Nigerian politics, I realized that this my African brother was truly in tune with the intricacies of the Naija Political arena. The finesse with which he dissected the complicated and interesting history of our political modulations, the Bakassi peninsula issues and the current presidential candidates of the different political parties with verifiable facts and figures, left me fascinated and humbled. 

She Won't Sleep With Me... 2

Her signals were blaring at me and all my receptors and hormones became fully charged so I did what any man with blood in his veins would do, only for her to freeze and almost run from me. I never expected what I heard. My dream girl confessed that she is a believer! 

She Won't Sleep With Me... 1

It's the season of love again and this year we have a special story from a new NIB family member for this Valentine season. As you navigate this cashless, "petrol-less", electioneering Valentine season, try to relax with Dapo's real love story. Enjoy 💕 ******** Y es, she has gone down on me severally, but she won't let me sleep with her. I mean, my woman has made me commune with the angels on several occasions. She is a fast learner and thanks to my professional coaching, she is now an expert at making my heart race at uncountable beats per minute with her skilled fingers and delectable mouth. Yet, she won't let me touch nor show her how I truly feel about her and I am madly, sometimes obsessively in-love with her.

On the News - Lady Kills her Lookalike

I simply must tag this the dumbest homicide of the year. So, this young lady living in Ingolstadt, Germany decided, "hey I want to pass myself off as dead and I need someone who looks like me to die in my place so my family and the world would think I am dead..." So she probably thought that we were all still living in the 1700s or a part of the world where autopsies, fingerprints or DNA tests were still fairy tales. Ignorantly or should I say, lost in her highness, she goes hunting on social media for a lookalike and oh my...the stress of going through several pictures of ladies but hey, her boyfriend joins in the search and the team takes it up as a job. They searched and screened candidates on Instagram till finally, they found her lookalike....tada!!!

December to Remember 6

Saying I was scared would be an understatement. Nikky , I was almost paralyzed from the sudden panic attack. My heart probably stopped beating briefly before picking up speed as if it had a mission of racing out of my chest. I felt as if my spirit had abandoned my physical body. My joints froze and all I could do was tremble and stare at their figures by the door. I just knew it was over and the rest of my life would be wasted inside that police cell or even worse, in a jail house. 

Christmas: Magnificent Sights of Dresden

Join our tour of amazing monuments and destination sights in the beautiful city of #dresden, #germany. Let us be your amateur tour guides 😆 Don't forget to Subscribe to and our YouTube channel on NikkyIvyblog for refreshing stories you love

December to Remember 3

Without as much as an explanation, my application for a short leave of absence which was by the way my first since I got employed at the company, was ditched. I was beyond livid as I my plans crumbled Infront of me. This was the height of oppression but I had nobody to run to with my cry for justice. Swallowing my hurt, I wiped my tears and went back to work.

Dresden Christmas Market: Sights & Sounds

Sharing our experience of the Christmas Market in Dresden with you as we cross over to the new year 2023. Enjoy the sights and sounds 💖