On the News - Lady Kills her Lookalike

I simply must tag this the dumbest homicide of the year. So, this young lady living in Ingolstadt, Germany decided, "hey I want to pass myself off as dead and I need someone who looks like me to die in my place so my family and the world would think I am dead..."

So she probably thought that we were all still living in the 1700s or a part of the world where autopsies, fingerprints or DNA tests were still fairy tales. Ignorantly or should I say, lost in her highness, she goes hunting on social media for a lookalike and oh my...the stress of going through several pictures of ladies but hey, her boyfriend joins in the search and the team takes it up as a job. They searched and screened candidates on Instagram till finally, they found her lookalike....tada!!!

Our dumbest team, then went ahead to lure the lookalike over only to massacre the innocent woman and abandon her in their car after mutilating her face and stabbing her multiple times. They then went into hiding...mission accomplished.

This is why I keep advising people to keep away from intoxicating substances or always go for psychological evaluations. But lets clear their fog...our killer team definitely forgot that the German police department and the rest of the world were not also dumb. They forgot that lookalike doesn't mean the person is biologically related to you. 

That you are my doppelganger doesn't mean we share the same genetics and crimes are not solved based on assumptions. This elementary knowledge would have saved our dumb team the stress, freed them from getting a murder charge and this beautiful innocent woman would still be alive today.

Anyway, thanks to a working system our dumbest team were arrested and we hope justice takes it's course. Our condolences goes to the family of the innocent woman who lost her life. 

The big lesson here is, be security conscious and wary of the people you meet online and hey, don't do crack, it makes you as dumb as a doorpost...

News article Culled from CNN.com


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