December to Remember 6

Saying I was scared would be an understatement. Nikky , I was almost paralyzed from the sudden panic attack. My heart probably stopped beating briefly before picking up speed as if it had a mission of racing out of my chest. I felt as if my spirit had abandoned my physical body. My joints froze and all I could do was tremble and stare at their figures by the door.

I just knew it was over and the rest of my life would be wasted inside that police cell or even worse, in a jail house. 

Run! Run!

My brain finally managed to reboot, but that was a wrong signal because my leg was securely strapped to the hospital bed and the only way out would be to drag the six inch metal bed and my IV line which was fitted to a pole next to my bed down the long ward with me. 

Even if I could perform all that superhero feat, getting past the police officer by the exit door would require a miracle or magical skills. Taking deep steadying breaths, I trashed the ridiculous idea and waited for  them to finalize whatever they were discussing with the officer by the door.

It was a brief wait during which my bed became dampened with the sweat streaming out of my pores. Add urine to the mix because I could swear I perceived something like that too. They strode over, closely followed by the bully looking officer;



Magnificent Sights of Dresden 

Christmas: Reasons to be Merry

Suddenly, a loud ringing sound in my ears shut down my ability to hear sounds. I was frightened, numb and I finally deaf? What was happening to me? I asked myself as self pity broke the last pieces of my heart. All I could do was stare at the lady's moving lips while tears mixed with mucous dripping out of my nostrils streamed down my face. 

My life was over because of my stupidity and ignorance of a simple rule; "the customer is always right". Why was my life miserable? Why... 

A sudden pain I could not describe pierced through my numbness and my hand voluntary flew to my right cheek.

"See!  I told you it would work..."

The officers voice bore through my deaf ears and brought me back to reality. My red eyes darted to his fierce face with obvious confusion



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