NB: there is a scene of violence against a woman towards the end but don't worry, nobody was harmed. Kindly skip if you will be emotionally affected.
“Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.”
“Dad please, don’t start with that, I will be back before you know it. Besides, Alex said that he would assist with my redeployment after the camp.” I rolled my eyes as the words escaped my lips, suddenly wishing camp could be extended.
I was dressed and ready to embark on my trip to the neighboring state where, all thanks to my meddling brother, I was posted for the compulsory national youth service. Growing up with a brother like him was a cross too heavy for my tender shoulders. It was like having a steady, overbearing bodyguard entrusted on you without your consent and our parents would always wave off my complaints.
As we got older, he became less overbearing but more protective. I had thought having a career or falling in love would distract him from interfering in my life but that was wishful thinking. He ended up convincing his girlfriend, friends, and their friends to join his crusade of safeguarding his baby sister. As the years sped by, I eventually accepted and made peace with the "helpless little sister" tag.
After my graduation party, he had promised our parents that my national youth service would be in our home state and that was how I joined the league of the depressed and helpless for a month to express my anger and disagreement with this decision about my future. When depression could not get my parents to my side, my only friend; Uwem suggested I should threaten to join the convent if he ever kept his promise.
For the first time, thanks to my mom's fear of not carrying my child; her future grandchild, the threat was obviously impactful. I was thankful they fell for the ploy because being locked up in a convent would have broken me.
On the day of my departure, I felt like a bird being set free from her cage. Even the revolting stories of life at the NYSC camp had failed to dampen my excitement. In fact not running out of the door was simply because somehow a clingy, home bonded part of me wanted to stay with my parents yet I could not wait to leave before my god-playing brother pulled a fast one on me.
“I know. It’s just that I can’t help but worry. Are you not too young to be going off to these things?”
"My husband how old was I when you came to marry me? She is old enough so, please allow her to go. All her mates are there and I heard they will be locking the camp today oh!"
My mother never failed to be my advocate, well, that's whenever she was not siding with Alex. I smiled at her as she came over to take my backpack and hard shell suitcase from my hands. I hugged my dad tightly and watched as my mom dragged my bags outside to the waiting car; another annoying favor from my brother. What was wrong with me taking a bus like every normal person?
“Promise me you will not forget to eat. You are a big girl now so take good care of yourself. One more thing, once you get back we will get your brand running okay?”
“I love you dad!” I squealed with joy and tightened my arms around him.
“I love you too my sunshine.”
“I have to go now. Bye daddy!”
I broke away from his embrace and turned to leave but something cold grabbed my hand. I turned towards my dad and saw him walking towards a blinding light. What was happening?
He smiled and turned away with a brief wave of his hand.
"Don't go!"
I yelled out and tried to run after him but something held me down. I started crying profusely as the strange bright light seemed to be sucking him in and away from me. I suddenly woke up.
“Usain Bolt sister. You don taya?”
A distinct but strange voice whispered as my endless tears blurred my vision. Gasping for breath I struggled against whatever was subduing me. But my strength was no match for it.
"Where you wan go and who be your papa? Eh! Nobody can save you now. Not even your papa!"
I could not comprehend the guttural words in my ears. Was I already at the camp? Where was I? I silently asked myself as cold ripples ran down my spine and I shivered. Why was it so dark? I was exhausted and confused. Suddenly a painful cramp tore through my leg. I groaned and tried to stretch out my limb so as to reduce the pain but the same force from earlier held me down.
Startled, I looked further up and squinted at what appeared to be; two heavily built men. My heart beat accelerated instantly. The strange men laughed out when I rammed into something solid behind me in my attempt to cower away from them. It must have been the pain or soul gripping fear, but just then it all came flooding back.
The harvesters! Oh Lord! How did they find me?
I tried
to scramble up but strong hands held me down. Scream! Scream for help; a voice
chanted in my hazy head. I opened my mouth but something struck me across the
face and the impact drove my head backwards. I heard a sound as my head
connected roughly with that solid structure and a strange numbing pain ran
through my body. Their eerie laughter faded out as I embraced the scary but
peaceful darkness.
End of Season 1
Hello guys, I hope you enjoyed the story so far. I sure did. I know you have
several questions, but hey, you know nikkyivy and suspense are like 5&6
Season 2 will be coming up soon so kindly bookmark this page and make us your best
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