Hello NIB family. So sorry for the long silence. Hectic schedule and life changes are drowning me but this story is dedicated to you all for being patient.

While reading, ignore any typo errors. I will keep making changes to the story so always recap. Daily updates are not promised so pity me and be patient... Okay. Enjoy. 


I pulled my knees up to my jaw as I tried to coil myself into a ball. The jagged edges of the building I had fled into grazed my back through the thin fabric of my wet sleeveless top. It was glued to my back like another layer of my skin by the sweat streaming down my back. Goose bumps formed on my scantily clothed body as the chills of the night breeze mercilessly seeped into my pores. 

Concealed by the darkness and enveloped by the odour of human excrement, I hurdled lower, finding peace in the rhythm of my heart hammering in my ears as I calculated my next move. Suddenly, my knees felt damp and I looked down as my denim soaked up more moist. It was then I realized I had been crying. Swiping at the silent tears streaming down my face with quivering fingers I stifled the choking sound that threatened to escape from my throat as I felt the smear of something I could swear was excreta on my face. My skin crawled and my stomach lurched with revulsion as I tried to hold down my earlier lunch. More tears blinded me and my body shook uncontrollably. 

Why did I ignore my instincts and decide to take this short route instead of my usual tiring long way home? Why did I ignore the news about the dreaded gang dishing out untimely death without reproach or mercy on that route? All I wanted was to hurry home to avoid the horror of giving in to the diarrhea that now seemed to have disappeared.

God help me please; I prayed silently as my heart beat tripled with each passing second. My heightened auditory cortex tried to pick out any sound that wasn't crickets or frogs breeding in a pond nearby. 

I am sure you are wondering how my dilemma started and why I am concealing myself inside a dilapidated building at night. Well, this is my story...


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