We are each of us angels with only one wing and we can only fly by embracing one another. - Luciano De Crescenzo _____________________ I noticed the kids playing around stopped laughing when they saw me headed in that direction and a man standing way off continued staring at me as if I was insane but I ignored them and took the turn into the dreaded route. I remember it was a moonless night and the route was darker than I had anticipated. Refusing to be bothered by the stillness and eerie shadows of the giant grasses swaying to the gentle breeze, I pulled out my phone from my denim pocket and turned on the flashlight to make out the fading foot path. Memories of my brother and I running home from school along that path filled my mind with nostalgia. Alex and I had great moments as kids. He was my only brother, best friend and bodyguard. It was hard for him to leave the community when he had to take over the family business and make other changes he preferred to keep to himse...