Val's Day: Young People and Sexual Awareness II

Regrettably, several young people are still battling with sexual and reproductive health challenges resulting from practicing unhealthy sexual behaviors, having multiple sexual partners, early involvement in sexual activities and failure to protect themselves and their sexual and reproductive health. These were choices made last year during this season or several years ago and the resultant infections have become terminal simply because of these wrong choices and failure to discover the early signs and seek professional help.

Do not get me wrong, it is great to be adventurous and spontaneous, but hey, before taking the leap always ensure that you look and weigh your options. You cannot afford to be ignorant in an Information and Technology driven world. Knowledge is power, so ask Google or go to the library and read about that choice before you become a victim or get added to the growing statistics. You can avoid being caught up in this web of incapacitating ailments and resultant challenges this Valentine's day and everyday of your life.

Therefore, as a young person, if someone is trying to convince you; it is more fun when you don’t use protection, I will make sure you won’t get pregnant or others are doing it, nothing dey happen, simply say NO! Do yourself a favor by refusing to join the gang of the ignorant. It is your body and nobody should make decisions about it except YOU and your doctor (if and when the need arises).

In simple English, what I am trying to say is; STI’s are real and you must protect yourself by making healthy choices this season. Abstinence might appear old school, but it is still the best option and most people are practicing it (nobody will tell you that side of the story). You can hold body, you will not die.  

However, where it is totally impossible and a glaring fact to you that you cannot abstain, then I am encouraging you to be selfish with your health and make the right decisions for you. If he or she loves you as they claim, then they will respect your decisions. Do not forget that consent is key and No is never and should not be misinterpreted to be a Yes. 

 Health is Wealth. Continue to be Safe.

Image by: C Technical


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