Older Adults and Val's Day - Refuting the Myth


I saw the flyer attached to this post and it prompted me to write this article. 

There's no doubting the fact that mother's should be celebrated. That is not my focus tonight. 

My aim or better still, the intent of this article is to refute the myth that sexuality and celebration of lover's day is NOT for the older adults. I will ignore the fact that the flyer referred to only ladies and rivert my attention on the widely accepted genders (male and female).

Do not worry, this will not be a long article since I want to believe that the flyer is only a joke, But since it is being circulated online, I think my comment might ease someone's spiking anxiety. 

Did you know that for most older people (women and men) being sexually active, having interest in love and sexual pleasures does not diminish with age? 

Research has shown that despite the general stereotypical belief about older adults and their love or sex lives, that there is no age limit on the sex life of both women and men. In other words, sexuality and expressing love is not just for the young but also for the older adults.


It is no secret that as people get older, their bodies undergo changes. These changes which can occur over time or instantly, usually affect the lives of older women and men in different ways. At this point I will not bore you with the human anatomy (if you require more information on the human anatomy and aging ask your doctor). So, let's move on.

Although these changes may, some times, affect their physical, emotional and sexual well-being, some members of this group (older adults) are more emotionally invested in their relationships than the younger ones. For them, a changing body does not mean the end of their sex lives or sexuality. 

These older men and women still enjoy a satisfying sexual life by adapting to their changing bodies, adjusting personal routines and incorporating more romance into their lives. They are known to maintain healthy lifestyles and  communicate more. They are more mature about their choices because they know each other better and are eager to express their love for each other everyday. For them, there are no deadlines and kids to worry about unlike their younger counterparts. 

At this point, I need to make this vital point with regards to those of us who are between 25 and 60 (younger adults). I don't even want to believe this category of adults are doubting their ability to love and be loved at this early stage of their lives. Trust me whoever is sowing that seed of doubt in your head needs his or her head to be checked out. But let me not derail.

Big question then is, do older adults celebrate and express love? YES! In fact they do that everyday and Val's day is just jara (an addition). This then means that for anyone who believes in the celebration of Val's day, it is a day for the older as well as younger couples to share and express true love. 

To cut my long story short, everyone deserves to be loved on lover's day and everyday of their lives. If you have been nursing this notion that you are now old or inching towards the senior citizens cadre and would probably be sent to the archives, Nikky is saying; snap out of it and be more dynamic with your sexuality and life. Try new activities, visit the less privileged and enjoy an active life. 

One more thing, for those of us with older parents, bosses, friends, mentors or even priests, do not forget to specially celebrate them on that day. Do that and watch them glow with joy.

Live and Let Live. 


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