Listen to the Sound of my Soul...

One of my best this year. Enjoy it.

I finally decided to take the leap
Nothing could have prepared me for the crippling fear creeping up my back.
Their voices scoffed, filled  my head with images of a bleak future, crushing my weak resolve.
Should I take that leap?

Yes, I took that leap.
I gave in to that still small voice; stimulating, comforting and cocooning me.
But the loud whispers from the past grew stronger; you've been here before, you will fail again!
My strength deserted me as I plummeted  towards the raging tempest of a harsh reality and my debacle will reverberate till eternity; was the thought on my battered mind.
It is a leap of doom!

I have passed on unnoticed or so I thought.
Fierce trepidation washed over me; ravaging, tormenting, slowly possessing.
I gasped for air, choking, grasping blindly for hope, for love, for life as I gradually gave in to the  darkness wrapping it's strong arms around me.
Hope is a firm assurance of things that are unclear and unknown, the priest had proclaimed, his resilience failing to reawaken my fading soul.
Why did I take that leap?

The  stillness ran deep as I felt my shattered soul slowly depart.
I could hear their voices from a distance; murmuring, sneering, jeering incoherently.
They numbered me with the dead. This will  surely kill her; they said.
There will be no more leaps for her.

Oh listen to the sound of my soul!
Do you believe in the resurrection?

The glacial grip of the ossuary will not restrain my spirit.
Like the sun, I will rise; searing through the darkness, vanquishing, triumphant!
The bleak shadows cast by your doubts will whither at the pre-eminence of my blazing dawn.

Be still you cynics! My new dawn is here. Dance, raise your hollow voices and sing songs of exultation to my creator.
For this is a leap to my Glory!



  1. I love this piece Nikki. The use of words... simply amazing girl. It spoke to me

  2. This is motivation for this day. This will give courage to the weak. We are reminded that failure is part of growth. It only makes us stronger and wiser, showing us what not to repeat to achieve success. This is an amazing piece Nikky Ivy. Once again, I see more clearly. I am inspired to greatness. Those hollow voices may now accompany the symphony that reverberates the awesomeness of my Creator. Simply put, you are the best! Cheers. RNX

  3. Nice story dear. Keep it up!


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