Fitness Plan

Obviously the groove is over 😭😭😢
Finally, we are done with all the Christmas, New year or holiday enjoyment and craze. I don't know about you, but my next bother is how to lose the few pounds gained from consuming all the pastries, cookies, meat and other delicacies. I blame my sweet tongue and long throat for my woes.

If you have gained a little or massive weight like me, then it's time to work it out! Hello, don't resist the voice of reason. Living with and maintaining all that unhealthy weight is a NO!! You definitely need to get back on track. Besides we don't want you sleeping off at your desk now do we? 😂

So, if you have not started toning that part of your body, tomorrow is not too late. As always, before hitting that treadmill or skipping that rope, run some checks with your doctor or a fitness expert for the best fitness plan for your body type.

When you commence, try to maintain your routine, eat healthy and have fun while at it. Trust me, before Val's day you would be ready to rock that tuxedo or sexy gown again.

I love you all.


  1. Happy New Year pretty

  2. Nikky looking Sharp. Love u forever (gossip people stay away o)

  3. Sure ur right nikky. Happy New year

  4. Hahaha! You really motivated me. I have started jogging too :)

  5. Nikky, I am as fat as a big bag of rice. Its so difficult to excise. I think I need surgery or prayer to shed off this fat fast. Its a pity indeed.

  6. @Nneka all you need is the drive/motivation to get it done. In order to lose weight, you have to eat differently, but correctly and of course, exercise regularly. A fitness adviser could help you create a suitable fitness plan for the week, which you must then follow diligently.

  7. me that's looking for how to add small flesh.
    Nneka please send all the fat and flesh my way i can handle perfectly


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