Capacity Building

I introduced myself and smiled at them.

They were so stiff, confused and didn't know what to make of me. Grinning, I calmly set up my lecture slide and  proceeded with my training session.

Half way through the basics, I could read the emotions mirrored on their young faces. They were obviously surprised to see a young lady in the midst of advanced trainers. Did I mention that I'm used to that expression of surprise? Well, I am and  from experience, I knew the easiest way to win their rapt attention

I flipped to the next slide and watched as the initial astonishment gradually ebbed away and was replaced by acceptance followed by warmth. When they laughed at my first joke, I knew the class was mine.

As I walked them through the vivid slides I had painstakingly prepared all night, they responded with beaming smiles and scribbled with gusto on their writing pads. My day was made. I was certain I was making a lasting impression with my unique, participatory and exciting training style. Even our team leader was nodding and taking!

My joy knew no bounds when several questions were fired at me by keen minds and the least vocal had an opinion to share with the rest.

In the end, I did not only succeed in improving their competence, knowledge, attitude and skills for capacity building, I also made life long friends.

Education is a continuous process. Never say you are too old to a book today or just click and open Nikkyivyblog for inspiration💕💞😘


  1. WOW! Nice one Nikky, keep it up!


  2. Education is a life long process and both in-house and out-house training sessions are very essential for all organizations that value capacity building.

    I didn't know you are a tutor. We can work together. I will send an Email to that effect

  3. My Late Dad used to say, "School does not leave one, it's the person that leaves school." Learning is ever new and it renews.

  4. My Late Dad used to say, "School does not leave one, it's the person that leaves school." Learning is ever new and it renews.


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