Hurry Now

By participating you authorize us to; publish your picture(s)/video clips on our page, to edit and use in whole or part and you will not be compensated in any way for the use, you also release/hold nikkyivyblog/agents harmless from any claims or actions that may arise as a result of this publication. If you do not wish to participate, continue following our page but do not apply any of the steps.

                                Steps To Take
Step 1: Dress up in your best Christmas attire (you must have a Christmas costume or ribbon on you)

Step 2: Smile and take a lovely selfie or make a video

Step 3: Forward the Selfie (Picture) or video to our Email with your name and 2 words - I ACCEPT

Step 4: Keep following nikkyivyblog

NB: Pics/Clips will be approved based on- First Come, First Served Basis.


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