Hurray!! 5 years and Counting

It all began 5 years ago. I can still remember that day. It took but a little push from someone dear to me, someone who always makes out time for my wahala, for Nikkyivyblog to be birthed.

We designed, scrutinized, redrafted, taunted and eventually, Nikkyivyblog went Live with my first post. I went wild with joy at the thought of finally being able to publish the words in my head!!My joy was made more fulfilling when the comments started dropping. The elation, pride and all the amazing emotions I felt when I received your phone calls, chats and saw your shares cannot be described. I couldn't have done it without you.

Over the years, your stable support, encouragement, reviews and prayers have been my motivation and is the reason Nikkyivyblog is celebrating Five beautiful and glorious years of telling Stories you love, making you laugh and proffering  solutions to some of your needs. I can only say; THANK YOU to you for being part of the Nikkyivyblog Family. 

I cannot forget the team and everyone working behind the scenes. Your ever burning ingenuity is the reason we have evolved rapidly and broadened our scope despite the innumerable challenges. By God's grace and with your persistent efforts we shall realize our dream of making Nikkyivyblog a household name not just in Nigeria but also worldwide.

Finally, I wish to appreciate God for his mercies and blessings. If no be God where we for dey? Baba God Thank You and may year 2019 be the best year for us all.

Happy Anniversary!


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