Pursuit of Happiness

credit - Qed.ng
  1. Do you feel unhappy with your current status? 
  2. Do you feel there is something you should sacrifice or gain just to become happier?
  3.  Are you in pursuit of happiness?
 I'm guessing you have heard the phrase; money makes the world go round. If so, then probably you believe that being broke or having no money would make your world stagnant or go into Pause Mode. It therefore follows that; No Money means Pause Mode which would invariably result in Unhappiness.

If the above rightly describes how you feel about Happiness, then this article is for you:
    Calling it a job was dressing it up in fine linen.  There was no incentive whatsoever. Month end meant you would receive a paltry sum that could not pay your bills. Sometimes, running so hard during the month would not fetch you the much deserved alert. You could only dream of staff package when you had high fever. In fact, dreaming of it could actually result in high fever. Instead of a salary raise, we witnessed seasons of salary deductions.

    Within a year of resuming with that firm, I experienced the first shock wave of misery. I was too broke to fuel my car or catch a cab to work. Buying lunch was out of the question and with time I realized I could survive on water throughout the day. I moved from my comfortable position on the proverbial ladder to the last rung. What I thought was a fortune turned out to be a misfortune. Lamenting about my predicament to my boss yielded no positive results. I was told all new wigs had to weather the same storm. I was told that all I needed at the time was to gain experience.  I was unhappy with my job and with each dreadful day, I became more convinced that quitting and getting a better offer would make me happier. Happiness for me was hinged on a great job and a fat paycheck. A life without those was a life not worth living. I was desperate to press the “play” button. One day, I walked out without a backward glance.

    Five months later, I was still out of a job, my anxiety level was threatening to break the roof and my once stable relationship had broken down. By the ninth month, I had moved from pitiable to miserable. Even the love my family lavished on me could not drag me out of being frustrated with life. Every day was a struggle. I shut down on my friends and became worse than a recluse. Nothing else mattered in my pursuit for happiness.

    I was about losing the battle for my sanity when an encounter opened my eyes to the realities of life and I found the secret to living a happy and fulfilled life...


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