Nikky's Diary - Hangover

I woke up this morning and didn't want to leave my bed and its not because I love that bed. No way! Truth be told, I actually love my bed, very comfy; perfect size; lovely sheets; soft cuddly pillows and dozing off in it feels like sleeping in wonderland but before now, getting up and about on a weekday was never a problem. So what changed?
The Easter vacation was a perfect chance for a dash out of town and being in that rare mood, I jumped at it. Where I visited is a gist for another day and yes; I enjoyed myself. In fact, like Oliver Twist, I even want some more!! The snag now is that it's been two days post Easter celebration and I still cant shake off the Easter mood! Its like having a hangover for two straight days and not being able to find a cure for it!! Nothing seems to be working.

My usual early morning stretches and sipping my favorite cappuccino only made me want to dive under the duvet and shut out the dancing image of files on my desk yearning for my attention; "what did I get myself into? Na who send me go take that short trip?" 

Sincerely, I am used to short trips, but somehow this body of mine got used to the recent unwinding and became a bit lethargic. I cant blame her though. Who would not want more days added to the two days of unrestrained cooling off, trouble free sleep, no alarm clocks, lazy mornings, my favorite ice cream and giggling angels crawling all over you in bed to wake you up with candies and their melodic laughter.

Chai! I need another Easter celebration or better still a looooong vacation. Well, that's wishful thinking because I know my case is that of; who dash monkey banana...but issorait i wont be billed for my day dreams.

While at it, I will persist in my search of a cure for this hangover while hoping that tomorrow would be better...


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