I am a Nigerian. I am Not Evil.

Dear Nikky. After reading your article on Spousal murder , I felt it imperative to add my voice to yours by boldly pointing out that SPOUSAL MURDER IS NOT A NIGERIAN THING. I am a Nigerian, a husband and a father. I have been married to my wife for seven years. In all these seven years, I am proud to say that I have never lifted a finger against her, I have been a loving, caring, stable and by God ’ s grace and in the words of my wife; “ a super-wonderful husband and father ” . That is why I take exception to articles and stories all over the web painting Nigerian men as uncaring, callous and wife-hating husbands. E very marriage has its ups and downs but it takes a real man to keep the flag of his marriage flying. Like every married couple, w e have had our set-backs, temptations and misunderstandings but in the midst of them, we never lost sight of our love and commitment to each other. We always found a way to settle and have always pulled through together as a...