They never cared about the abused and neglected Nigerian child. All they cared about was the wealth and their immediate family.

The abduction of the Chibok School girls and the recent outcry all over the world has exposed us to the reality that the Nigerian child has been neglected and ignored for too long.

Nigeria is unarguably a country where the government remains cold to the flagrant abuse, neglect and exploitation of our children. A country where many children are exposed to inhumane treatments, a country where the right of the girl child is overlooked and scarcely respected, a country where the unlawful union of an old politician and a girl child is swept under the carpet, a country where the children are yet to feel the effects of the Child Rights Law, a country where there is no concrete plan for a better future for the children.

It is therefore not surprising that many Nigerian children have been and are still being abducted, murdered, neglected and abused. It is no news that all we ever got were policy statements that were never implemented by the government, tours by first ladies claiming to care for the welfare of the Nigerian child, neglect, more poverty and today; full scale terrorism. We are undoubtedly reaping the fruits of our various inept leaders who enriched themselves with the wealth of the nation and failed to secure our future by caring for the Nigerian child. 
Although it is said that a stitch in time saves nine, I strongly believe that it is not late for us to save the numerous Nigerian children who have lost hope in this nation. This is not a time for weeping during live broadcasts or a time for politicians to deride the ruling party. It is a time for government at all levels to implement policies aimed at protecting our children. It is not the time for cheap promises and expensive rallies but a time for action. All hands must be on deck to make our children happy, self confident, safe and proud citizens of this great nation. It is now time for us to start respecting the dignity of our children. It is time for us to bring our children back from desolation, frustration and despair.

I join my voice to that of Nigerians and millions of people all over the world to say; BRING BACK OUR GIRLS!


  1. Bad leadership is the worst thing that can happen to a country. We need efficient leaders who are ready to make our dreams come true.

  2. Later now nikky go say I be troublemaker, when na she be d chief lol. Nigeria is gradually turning into a failed state.

  3. Lovely write-up Nikky. You always make my day with each story

  4. we have selfish leaders who only plan for their family using the resources of this country at the expense of the masses.
    The case of a minister using billions of naira to facilitate foreign trip for her family. it is absurd
    I believe God will rescue us one day.we don't have leaders not to talk of leader with good conscience Abeg make I find something to eat.....Nigeria is sick ,may be one day we will get a true leader who knows the antidote of the sickness.

  5. What can't one expect from a banana republic.Maybe we keep praying for God to rescue these children because we have no government.

  6. I join millions of Nigerians and the world over to say #BringBackOurGirls. Thank u Nikky

  7. I appreciate your opinions..

    Chyk Welcome aboard ..

  8. Evidence of bad governance. I will keep praying for them.


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