She Won't Sleep With Me... 2

Her signals were blaring at me and all my receptors and hormones became fully charged so I did what any man with blood in his veins would do, only for her to freeze and almost run from me. I never expected what I heard. My dream girl confessed that she is a believer! 

You know the type that has given her life to Christ and handed him the keys to her sexuality. I thought it was one of her jokes until I heard that her Ex couldn't cope and left due to same reason. At that point I almost saw red because my body was not ready to be schooled about celibacy. Do people still do that? I was confused, surprised and then furious. Imagine time waster. I wasn't ready for that commitment so I needed her out of my flat and my life. It was over between us!

Since we could not get an Uber that night, I drove her home and swore to call it off. The next day, I convinced myself that I could get her to give up her archaic beliefs so I sent her a chat. She replied, I responded and we chatted till midnight. I can't remember how it happened but at some point during the week, I asked her to be my girl and she accepted. A relationship began.

Two months into our relationship and I was a walking-sex-starved man plus a church goer because she dragged me to every Sunday service. It was my longest period without getting laid and the day she visited to help me out with a project my company was handling, I almost became aggressive due to my raging needs. Yes, she is a smart Architect, a great cook and I love her, but who cares about her skills and smart brains, when my other brainless head was shriveling from lack of thrusts. I wanted, no, NEEDED to truly make her my woman the good old way, simple! 

For the first time, we had a long talk about intimacy and she was calm as always. I could swear that my late father ordered rounds of palmwine for the other ancestors when I finally got her to compromise a little. She agreed to allow me show her how to ease my palpable tension which was beginning to affect my work and psych. The only catch was that; I would promise to keep my hands off her and save the conjugation of our union for the honeymoon night. I eagerly accepted, fool like me. If only I knew back then what I know now. 

It's been a month since we started this experiment and Nikky, I am going crazy. I don't want to do again. Infact the celibacy was a better option because all the touching without scoring when that is all I want to be doing with her at every spot in my flat feels like falling into a bottomless pit. Infact, compare it to smoking a load of potent weed and never getting high. I am tired of chasing that high and the desperate need to feel that ethereal bliss which is why I have decided that it would all end this Valentine's day.

 She's everything I ever wanted in a woman so, I have bought the ring and would ask her to be the mother of my kids infront of everyone we love and respect. And yeah, you are invited...


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