
Showing posts from January, 2018

Years After The Vows...

REAL STORY FROM A FAN...GOT ME LAUGHING ALL NIGHT. ENJOY IT For me, anybody that says; being pregnant is normal for women and only the first baby is usually tough for a young mother should be re-evaluated. pic credit; It was my second baby and it felt like my body was falling apart. My waist was on fire, my nostrils were leaking and my husband and I always spent the better part of every night trying to get me comfortable enough to fall asleep. My son had gotten tired of being snapped at for diving into our bed and upsetting mummy and his sister, so his room had become his best refuge. That morning, I woke up and my body refused to listen to the alarm in my head. I tried to encourage myself to adhere to my usual schedule of waking up early, making breakfast while waiting for my hubby and our son to roll  out of bed, they loved having breakfast in their PJ's; but my bloated body refused to obey the simple command. To make matters worse, it was a cold m...

Cattle Colonies...which way Nigeria?

Pic credit: I eventually became debilitated by all the arguments, counter arguments and crisis being triggered by the Fulani cattle issue and the new mandate by the Federal government for the establishment of cattle colonies  in different states of the federation.. The idea of boycotting beef so as to drive home the point that we do not want cattle colonies though reasonable will not solve this age long crisis. In view of the foregoing, I have decided to proffer solutions I feel, if applied, would on the long run put an end to this conundrum plaguing our nation. First suggestion: It is no secret that Dubai was transformed from a local desert to a global player. So I ask; why can't our government do the same in the North? Once we have a Northern region that can boast of reasonable pasturable land and green vegetation, in simple English; enough grasses for the cattle, no Fulani would bother to travel to another state with his cattle. All the Northern ...

Pleasure Partner

As a child, I refused to play with any doll. Not that I did not fancy them, but I preferred to play with my peers because in my young mind; playing with dolls felt like being trapped. Pic credit: Most people had reservations about toys until they were introduced to toys that could stimulate and please. But how do we feel about having a life size doll with artificial intelligence as a pleasure or sex partner? Simply put, these dolls are able to have conversations and do more than the usual portable erotic toy that most people have become used to over the years. With their arrival, the vibrators and dildos suddenly became kiddies toys. No matter how hard we try to speak in hushed tones about them; push the matter off the table or deny their existence, their birth has been announced and soon, judging by the spike in the number of people who have been using their portable predecessors, the mixed feelings and denial with which they are being welcomed would soon be a th...

Are you ready?

Pic credit: Daily Reading for Sunday January 21, 2018 Reading 1- Jonah 3:1-5, 10 Reading 2- First Corinthians 7:29-31 Responsorial Psalm, Psalms 25:4-5, 6-7, 8-9 Gospel- Mark 1:14-20 Today, we are reminded that the time is short and the kingdom of God is at hand. Jonah upon hearing the word of the Lord went to Nineveh and cried against that city. The people heard his words and believed God. They turned from their sins and God forgave them. Saint Paul in the Second reading, like Jonah, continued that cry. He reminds us that the form of this world is passing away and that the appointed time has grown very short.

Sunday Reading - My Reflection

Daily Reading for Sunday January 14, 2018 Reading 1 taken from; First Samuel 3:3-10, 19 Responsorial Psalm, Psalms 40:2, 4, 7-8, 8-9, 10 Reading 2, First Corinthians 6:13-15, 17-20 Gospel, John 1:35-42 In the first reading, God located and called Samuel in the course of his work/vocation in the temple, (We know the story of Samuel's birth). When he answered the call and made himself a servant of the most High, God was with him and did not let any of his words fall to the ground. This goes to show that God will never forsake us whenever we answer His call or accept to be His servant in our chosen vocations.

An Eye for An Eye...A Head For A Cattle

credit- Daily Post I remember when it all started. It was in 2013. Vulnerable farmers were attacked and brutally murdered by armed herdsmen who took laws into their hands. It was an eye for an eye and many souls were lost in that crisis. Many more died from neglect at the IDP camps. Nigerians wondered how herdsmen could acquire sophisticated weapons. Nigerians mourned. Peace was brokered, agreements were signed. The Benue people promised to forgive the massacre of their beloved kinsmen by the Fulani herdsmen wielding weapons instead of poles. We thought the peace would be everlasting but we were but deceived. The news of more crisis, more massacre and more IDP camps for the displaced villagers and families greeted us last year and the year before. More villages were sacked; families and generations were lost to these mercenaries who wanted heads for each dead cattle. Cattle the poor Farmers claimed were destroying their days of toil in the hot sun. Nigerians witnessed more ...

Happy New Year

As we embrace 2018, I want to thank you, yes YOU, for making my 2017 memorably awesome and for taking that step to be part of the NIB Family. I deeply appreciate you. Keep reading nikkyivyblog and feel free to join me on Facebook and Twitter I foresee a glorious 2018 for us all.                                                              Happy New Year!!