Nikky's Diary - Letting go

Have you gotten to that point in your life when you are suddenly tired of being the shoulder everyone leans on, the strong person who thinks showing emotions only makes you weak? The one that takes all the BS so everyone gets to enjoy their comfort zones? The one who shows up when you really do not want to, the fragile you who says you are okay and acts really tough when everything is going downhill and the people you always stick your neck out for are the ones hurting you? The one who accomodates and fixes all the broken people, the human messiah who gets backstabbed and smirked at by the same people whose baggage of failure and ineptitude you are bearing gallantly? The one who has to dim your shine so others would shine like fake diamonds they are, throw shades at you and yet not feel threatened by your radiance? Well, I finally got to that point with you.