Eliminating the multi-billionaire was her optimum plan. Paula had forgiven him for not loving her back, for not being by her death bed. Paula was an angel unlike Tesa who had sworn to avenge her death. The world needed to be rid of Demons like Melvin. He had seduced, married and deserted Paula for the arms of floozies he brought back home to mock her. Paula's heart was broken, for that reason his would be an agonizing death. Their first meeting was no coincidence and as expected, he had fallen for her sagacity, the deal her company had to offer and her regal beauty. Their third date was on his expensive yacht, his trust had deepened, he was eager to please and had dismissed his bodyguards for the first time in months. Her plan for the night was in motion and her stylist was the best money could afford. Tesa smiled at her reflection in the mirror. She looked ravishing in a glamorous strapless dinner gown that left nothing to the imagination. Her hair was packed up...