Something happened to me recently that got me scared and totally confused. The meeting had lasted into the night and on my way home, I had stopped off briefly at a shopping mall to pick up basic house hold items. After paying at the counter, I stepped out of the brightly lit store that also served as a pharmacy and suddenly, the lights went off. PHCN ! I thought with irritation. The generator obviously seemed to be taking forever and I needed to get home already. The darkness outside was overwhelming and it would take a long trek to get to my car which was parked at the tail end of the parking lot. Without second thoughts, I stepped off the front porch and hastily walked off into the darkness. just don't know why PHCN likes toying with the light and these people are finding it very hard to buy a new gen set even with their exurbitant prices; I sighed deeply while trying to ignore the fear creeping up my spine. Using my phone's torchlight was out ...