SPOT THE DIFFERENCE At the sound of their arrival, I rushed out with my dustbin and was met by a smiling young man. He greeted me amiably before taking the bin from me. I watched him hand it over to another young man who dumped the contents inside the big truck. Handing my bin over to me, they waved briefly and headed off towards the next compound. That was when the stench hit me. Covering my face, I ran back into my compound but the pungent odor pursued me closely. I ran inside, slammed the door behind me, hurriedly shut my windows and increased the speed of the fan. The stench from that truck is best imagined. I wondered how those young men could survive days and months behind that truck! Why do they work without gloves and boots unlike their counterparts in Europe and other countries? Are they even adequately paid for the services they render? If you are living within the FCT, I am sure you must have noticed these garbage trucks and their occupants. Thei...