You are just good at pretending." I looked up and met his critical gaze. He dropped his cutlery, folded his plump arms across his chest and in the process rumpled the paper napkin he had tucked into his collar. "Everyone wants it. I want it almost all the time so how can you say you don't crave it? That my dear is a bloated lie from the pit of hell!" He finished with a snort. His voice was loud and attracted curious stares from other diners at the roof top lounge. The soft music playing from the concealed speakers was perfect for my troubled thoughts. The thick pellucid glass shielding guests from the weather dulled the noise of the bubbly city. A city that never sleeps. "Hey! I am talking to you! Say the words." It was my birthday and we were at the best restaurant in town. The bill was on me, the meal was appetizing and I could not wait to give the luscious dessert sitting beside my plate my undivided attention. I had wanted a quie...