Afloat Season 3 E. 10

Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped

- African proverb


Ituron community -

"Uncle Ambrose! I am still surprised. The last time anyone saw you was three or five years ago? This is indeed strange!"

Ambrose grunted. They were in Maurice's small sitting room after the brawl at the cottage. Eric had a confused look on his face as he eyed Maurice and his uncle suspiciously. He was leaning against the wall facing Maurice and Ambrose who were seated in the only two available chairs. Ambrose shook his head slowly and met Eric's gaze;

"You are correct. I left three years ago. Exactly some days after Maurice was incarcerated for abducting and ruining that girls life."

"I was falsely accused!" Maurice interjected, "she willingly followed me to my house and gave herself to me. Yet nobody believed me!"

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"She was just a child, yet you forced yourself on her! Maurice have you no dignity?" Eric queried heatedly. 

"My sons let us not dwell on the past." 

Maurice was about to spring up when he heard Ambrose's words and reluctantly sat back but his bloodshot eyes battled with Eric's cold ones.

"About your question," Ambrose continued slowly; "I've always wanted to come back home. Life in the city is too fast for an old man like me. All the years I spent there was like a nightmare so when I heard of the changes by the new Chairman and Maurice, my son, promised to take care of me I just decided to come back to my roots." 

"I see." Eric dragged his gaze away from Maurice and sighed; "You're welcome back uncle. We all missed your palm wine." 

Ambrose laughed lightly. "Thank you. It feels good to hear that but I am not happy about what happened tonight. Infact I need to understand what is going on? Why are you and your men here at Maurice's house this late? Are you two quarrelling again or did Maurice commit any offence?"

"Uncle I need to make something clear here. What happened tonight was an invasion of my privacy and a disrespect of my person by this small boy!" Maurice roared out. He was sitting at the edge of his seat and pointed a steady finger at Eric; 

"This mad man invaded my home and beat up my uncle who is like my father simply because he feels he can do whatever he likes. This small power he is wielding has gotten to his head but I will humble him!"

"Whoever dances naked in the village square should not be angry when he is mistaken for a mad man." Eric scoffed and Maurice sprang up; 

"Eric I promise you, this community will know who is the mad man by the time I'm done with you. I will show you that I am no longer that Maurice you used to trample on! Eric Ubong I will break all your wings!"

Eric's blood boiled. In the past Maurice was more than a brother. Although they grew up competing, they still shared happy moments as young men. That was before Maurice decided to tow a different path and used his position as the head of the local vigilante to oppress and take advantage of innocent people. He was arrested when a young maiden was defiled and wounded. Eric, as his deputy was the one who carried out the investigation and filed the report that sent him away for years. Since then Maurice became his sworn enemy.

Eric ground his teeth. His resolve to remain calm was beginning wane. Maurice was definitely asking for a beat down but he would save it for another day. Eric was not known to shy away from a fight but tonight he had an urgent assignment to complete. Dapper was still missing and the issue with uncle Ambrose meant that their lead was false. Who would have guessed that the mysterious stranger in Maurice's home was his long lost blood uncle. 

Why did he decide to come back now?


Also Read: My White Christmas Tale


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