Feeling Low? what to do 2

Click here to read the previous post If none of the previous steps worked for you, then one of the following options might do the trick. Keep reading... Read It – Never, ever underestimate the power of a good story. If you don’t have a new book close at hand, simply go online, read journals; religious books; comics, or subscribe/login to Nikkyivy's blog Read and enjoy the inspirational stories…YES! Get immersed in the narratives, take a deep breath and let all your worries go. Let's hope you won't want to be in the movies by the time you are done with the stories... Strip – Most times, we accept what people say about how we look. We fervently wish we could look like our favorite models and could fit into that lovely garb that is a size smaller. Accepting all that negativity will lead to depression and living below your potentials.