
Showing posts from January, 2022

Nikky's Diary - 17 Again?

Getting to where I am today took a lot of will power. Better still, I should say that the turn my life took is a surprise I am still trying to get used to. Some people might say; is it not Nikky? I know her story nah. My response will always be a Laugh out Loud (LOL). Nwanne you don't know nothing.

Nollywood and The New Thrill

Today, I saw another gory news of a young girl dismembered by her teenage boyfriend and I asked myself; what is going on? How did we get to this stage? Our teenagers are now engaging in this false belief called "money making rituals"!!!  I am vexed and won't dwell on this issue. I won't go for the usual target; our near comatose government nor would I point accusing fingers at our failing family system. My focus will be on our dear Nollywood as a public educator. Research has shown that Television, and other media devices, influence children and in extension, the society. Children who constantly view violent programs, movies or clips have a tendency to become more insensitive, violent, aggressive and most times, depressed.


Thank you for being part of our 2021 story, for sending in the beautiful Christmas pictures and trusting us to make your season as breathtaking as always. Have a Happy & Prosperous Year!!!