
Showing posts from November, 2018

Cheating On You? What To Do

Infidelity or Cheating in a committed relationship is an issue that has been researched severally over time. You probably know a victim or someone involved in the act. There are usually several reasons for cheating but our focus will be on the aggrieved. How do you handle being cheated on? How do you cope with a cheating partner? Are you still heartbroken?  Well, I am not here to sell you anything or offer impracticable solutions. I am just going to be real with you. If you need your pain to go away, then be my guest...


Sexual harassment at the work place is a pertinacious problem in Nigeria. It is unwelcomed sexual advances, behavior, suggestions, messages or remarks of a sexual nature that has the effect of offending, intimidating or humiliating the victim. They are requests for sexual favors, which could be verbal, non-verbal or physical and are usually from superiors, supervisors, co-workers, an employer or owner who undertakes or attempts to influence or influences the process of employment, promotion, training, discipline, dismissal, salary increments or other benefits of an employee or job applicant. It negatively affects the performance of ones duties and a grave violation of the victims fundamental rights to dignity and personal liberty which are guaranteed under the 1999 Constitution. If you are being sexually harassed either at or outside the office, inform your HR Officer and also consult your lawyer today. Enjoy Patricia's story...