“We count our miseries carefully, and accept our blessings without much thought.” Chinese Proverb _____________ I cut the call on him and walked back to the house. At the door I stopped to take calming breathes because I didn’t want to get my mother more upset. She was saying her rosary when I walked in so I headed for the study; my dad's former home office and the hidden vault he had shown me before he passed on. Maneuvering the books to the side I keyed in the codes known only to me and pulled out the gun I had concealed in it; t here was no way I was going out naked. The vault was where dad kept extra cash and private items which were sold or pawned at some point during his ailment. Since I took over the study, it had become a safe place for my toys. I knew my Mom would be displeased if she found any weapon inside the house so I always kept them in the vault whenever I came visiting and of course there was another reason: Dapper...the girl had a skill of discoverin...