“We count our miseries carefully, and accept our blessings without much thought.” 

Chinese Proverb


I cut the call on him and walked back to the house. At the door I stopped to take calming breathes because I didn’t want to get my mother more upset. She was saying her rosary when I walked in so I headed for the study; my dad's former home office and the hidden vault he had shown me before he passed on. 

Maneuvering the books to the side I keyed in the codes known only to me and pulled out the gun I had concealed in it; there was no way I was going out naked. 

The vault was where dad kept extra cash and private items which were sold or pawned at some point during his ailment. Since I took over the study, it had become a safe place for my toys. I knew my Mom would be displeased if she found any weapon inside the house so I always kept them in the vault whenever I came visiting and of course there was another reason: Dapper...the girl had a skill of discovering all my secrets.  

I noticed that my knuckles had stopped bleeding so there was no need to pull out the first aid box. After arranging my shirt I stepped out and smiled at my mother. She frowned up at me.

“I am going to get Dapper...she is stranded at the bus stop."

That wasn't the truth, it wasn't actually a lie. she nodded at me and continued with her prayers. I shut the front door behind me as Tony was stepping into our compound.I twisted the truth. Anyway, It wasn't actually a lie

She nodded and continued with her prayers. I shut the front door behind me as Tony was stepping into our compound.

“Open the gate.” 

I commanded and got behind the wheel of my Mercedes-AMG. The family business had picked up vigorously after I fully took over and yes, I was doing well enough. But tonight, business was the least thing on my mind. I was furious.

Somehow, I managed to drive out of the compound calmly so as not to raise my mother’s suspicion. The moment Tony closed the gate and joined me, I sped off into the night.

“Where is this costume shop?”

“Eerr near the new Chinese joint...I’m sorry bro. He promised it was just the costume and since she likes doing apparel I felt it would be good for ...”

"Shut the f... up Tony!"

I barked out and Tony shrank away from me. His excuses were baseless and unprofessional. I had pulled strings to make sure he was posted near home and his only duty was to keep an eye on my family in my absence. Instead of doing his job, he was bargaining with Brad! I was disappointed and angry. 

After the family had consented to Bridget joining Brad’s troupe, I had secretly paid the latter a visit. Everyone knew Brad had women problems and my sister was naïve of her looks and his ways. He had promised not to even look at her and I had promised to finance his troupe. I was true to my words and credited his nil account. The man was almost a peasant before I stepped in to pull him out of the depth. 

Yet, when I turned my back he had the nerve to lure my kid sister to a restaurant under the pretext of picking up silly costumes. Brad asked for my rage and he was going to feel it tonight.

My foot stepped down on the gas pedal as I sensed Tony otherwise called Muscles by some people, fasten his seat belt. Brad would be surprised at what I would do to him tonight for failing to heed my warning.




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