"Weeping may endure the night but joy comes in the morning.” 

-Psalm 30:5.


I dropped my chop sticks and pushed away from the table. Somehow, I didn’t want to engage in that conversation. An overpowering desire to run far away from Brad suddenly rushed over me.

"You don't owe me any explanation,  Brad. It's none of my business." I pointed out with a slight frown creasing my brow.

“I'm sorry." He cleared his throat and sat back.

"No need." I said shrugging my shoulders, "Actually, I really must head home now. About the bill. How much is this ..."

“Bill is on me Dapper." He interjected with a grin. "Can I give you a ride home?”

I shook my head and got up as my stomach began to emit a strange and new rhythm. I gently tapped it to quieten it;

“Thank you, but I can find my way home and I'm guessing you don’t need me for the costume affair?"

He gave a short laugh and nodded in consent.

I didn’t need to use the word affair but as usual, I could not stop myself.

Not bothering with goodbyes, I dashed out of the restaurant into the cool night. The contrast in temperature hit me instantly as the chill reminded me I was still in one of my newest creation; an off the shoulder crop top. How did it get so cold so soon? The harmattan season is always unpredictable, my brain analyzed.

I hugged myself as I balanced my bag over one shoulder and tried to rub some warmth into my skin. It was just past 8pm but I knew my mum would be angrily waiting for me by the gate. I sighed while weighing the fastest option for my journey home. 

Being a Friday night, the last bus would take forever to arrive, I calculated. If I wanted to get home early, the dreaded short route which was just a ten minutes walk to my home would be my best option but was it the safest?

I am sure you're wondering why the short route to my home is dreaded? Well, the tale making the rounds in our community is that human traffickers or a soul snatching demon frequented that route at night. The story was so out of this world and the community had fallen prey to it. The fear was so palpable that everyone avoided the route like a plague. There had never been any news of a missing person in our small community, so in my opinion those were moonlight tales made up to scare kids. 

Anyway, it had being a long day and I was not in the mood for a walk after the drama with Brad plus, I was beginning to feel the bite of the cold night. With my mind made up, I headed for the bus stop. I was about to join the few people standing near the pole with a bus stop sign attached to it when my stomach rumbled agai . Beads of perspiration formed on my forehead and slowly trailed down my face as I cursed under my breath. 

Who sent me to eat foreign food? 

A sharp pain made me groan and slow down my pace as I rubbed my open palm all over my troubled stomach to calm it down. It rumbled louder like our community drum and I held my breath, trying hard not to let the threatening flatulence escape because I feared the unthinkable might come out with it. 

Whatever was troubling my stomach was picking up pace because I was sweating profusely already. Without a second thought, I switched course and headed for the short route home. No myth nor fable would stop me from getting home early.



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