Clog My Feet
I was patiently waiting for my number when I heard the sound. My snoozing brain rebooted and started running; I've heard that sound before, but wherefrom?
It sounded like hard wood on hard polished floor. The type of sound those wooden shoes we used to call "akpola"shoes made back in the days; my brain shared a search report.
Yes! I could remember those shoes. The same type my grand-mum and mum had back in the 60's or 70's. I know this because I saw pictures of them posing with those high wooden platform shoes and was privileged to try them on as a little girl trying to walk in my mum's shoes. They were called akpola. I think my dad had them too lol!
Who could be wearing akpola at this day and time and at the hospital of all places.
My eyes scanned the feet of those walking past me but none matched the sound which was getting closer. Suddenly, the sound stopped and instinctively, I looked up to see a tall white man with neatly trimmed grey hair. I placed his age to be around 60ish but his posture was amazing and the white hospital coat he had on highlighted his straight back and shoulders. He was really fit for his age and had this very focused look on his face as he stood there talking to some nurses and patients.
My inquisitive eyes darted to his feet and I could not help but laugh out loud when I saw the backless wooden pair of shoes. A look at them confirmed the source of the sound I had heard earlier and spoke volumes about the age of the shoes. They were not worn out, but like the owner, they had seen many years and were ready to enjoy more.
Just then, my number flashed on the time screen. Springing up, I walked towards a smiling nurse;
" That's one of our oldest and best Neurosurgeons. He is Swedish and he loves his clogs..." She explained when I asked who the man was.
Clogs? I thought with a last glance at those shoes. Why would he wear wooden shoes at his age? Won't they hurt his legs? This got me wondering and researching. So, today I will tell you what I discovered about clogs.
Calm down, it's nothing about the history, go find that out yourselves, but definitely about the health benefits or pro's and cons, if you like.
- They are traditionally worn by many cultures such as the Dutch, Swedish, and Japanese cultures.
- Made solely from wood with upper leather materials and are sometimes backless.
- They are believed to help your posture by supporting you lower-back and aligning your spine thereby alleviating foot and back pain.
- Also believed to be the best shoes for nurses, healthcare workers and anyone whose job involves long hours of standing due to their ergonomic design.
- Exceptional durability; goodbye to buying shoes all the time unless you just love acquiring varieties of shoes.
- They absorb moisture, keep feet dry and so suitable for people with sweaty or smelly feet.
- They're naturally antimicrobial as such they resist the growth of bacteria and fungi which prevents foot infections. Read more Benefits
Well every good thing in life usually if not always has a downside. So if you really want to know what are the cons of Clogs, then read further here Cons
I love shoes and being comfortably classy on my feet is a Yes for me. Do I want to Clog my feet? Hmmm I am still searching for the perfect shop and design.
Should you get a clog? What shoe type and design deserves to grace your feet is definitely your choice.
Cheers while I explore the clog world...
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