Kobe Bryant ...A Very Dark Sunday

I was really sad when I heard the devastating news on Sunday. Kobe and Gianna's death felt like when the world lost MJ. Your heart just gets shattered.

Yes, I know this is not a time to rationalize or motivate. I know the pain you must be feeling right now. Infact you might be among those who feel; "why is she writing about him? Is he a Nigerian?"

Whatever your view is, my only wish is that  you learn from this article.

While going through several reports of the crash, I repeatedly read the CNN report and the comment of a police spokesman on the weather on that day of the crash and it took me down memory lane.

Back in the day, whenever I got all worked up for being late for or missing a very obligatory engagement due to reasons beyond my control, my mum would say; "you are complaining because you don't know what God protected you from..." Then sometimes when we run into people driving recklessly, ignoring all the safety regulations and throwing caution to the winds just to meet up with an appointment, she would say; "its  better late than never. "

As we continue our hustle through life always remember that;

Only the living can meet up with appointments..
If you leave early, you will arrive early.
If it's too risky and safety precautions won't work, Don't do it. Try another day.
If you have genuine reservations about it, Don't do it.
If you try your best to get there or do it and it fails, Don't sweat it. Try again next time.

Indeed, "every safe choice we make is an investment into spending more time with our loved ones or those things that make our lives more meaningful."

If only they had all missed that practice...

Our thoughts and prayers are with the Bryant family and the families of those who lost loved ones in the crash. May they rest in the bosoom of the Lord, Amen.


  1. China will shut down...The way they love this nigga over there

  2. You’ll be greatly missed by your fans. RIP KB

  3. This is a tragedy. May God give his family the heart to bear this very sad loss....

  4. This sad news will shake the entire NBA. May his soul Rest in Perfect Peace.

  5. RIP to my basketball legend.

  6. A sad day for sports lovers all over the world. RIP KB

  7. RIP to all those that died in that helicopter crash. may God comfort their families Amen

  8. What a pity. May their souls rest in peace Amen


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