Game of Thrones - My Review

If you have not seen the last episode of GOT, then STOP reading NOW

In the end everyone got what they deserved and the Stark kids are running the show...they just took over one city at a time...😁

If you thought Jon would sit on the throne, then I'm sure your bubble was busted. He never wanted to be King (we can't force him to sit on the throne nah). Jon loves being a Wildling, (his first love, Ygritte, was one). We can all agree he is definitely not the best King material for the seven kingdoms. I must applaud the idea of sending him to the wall. It was not a punishment, just a ploy by the Starks to set him free or get him to keep an eye on the Wildlings. We can say he will make a great Wildling King.

Sansa loves the North and good at being queen. She is the best queen for the North. Besides whoelse is there? 

Arya took the Stark banner to the West. We all know being a lady is wasted on her but She will conquer the west and will be the King of the West. Another way of making sure everyone complies with the Stark government. Besides, sitting in the North and staring at her sister would be a waste of time and great skills after all.

The sharpest guy award goes to Bran👏 While others were sweating blood he was shuttling through time and space and saw the scene of the crown being placed on his head. Being a smarty pants, he never said a word instead he leaked Jon's secret, but kept his big secret close to his heart. He simply chilled and waited patiently for them all to kill themselves and clear the way for his arrival, he then appeared and got the crown with an unanimous vote"...why do you think I came all the way here..." (this guy won without lifting a finger) 😂😂

Nothing was forgotten. Even Drogon was remembered. The king can't be flying with ravens while a dragon wanders riderless through the skies. After all the King needs a cool ride and someone needs to keep an eye on the skies so he is going to locate Drogon and soon would be riding a dragon...Talk of the patient dog eating the fattest! 

But let's admit it, after all the battling and with the look on Grey Worms face (probable threat loading) Bran, who can see past, present and future is definitely the best king for the 6 kingdoms. Before you make any move, he knows, which means lasting peace...😁

Okay, you don't like what happened to the throne. I mean why would Drogon vex for the thing like that? This same throne that brought all the woes got puffed and puffed and puffed on until a sad Drogon melted it down and Danny girl never got to sit on it. SAD!

So what will Bran sit on? Well, who needs an Iron Throne when the King is stuck to a Newer Model that has wheels... He is riding a Rolls Cart 😀 and no one gets to steal the throne at this rate...hehehe!

The new Lord's and Knights are funny (we need a little clowning after all the death and massacre)

My Daenerys, having to die by the same hands that loved her was sorrowful but I reckon she needs a long peaceful rest after many hard years of battling. Losing her babies, lovers, friends and ultimately having to cope with Jon's withdrawal messed her up...If only Jon was like a certain Jamie Lannister.


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