The first time I saw such a move was in a Nollywood movie and yes, in a Hollywood movie as well.  So I had concluded that these things could only happen in movies, until recent events proved me wrong.
A lovely day it was. I was glamorous and chilling at a colleague’s wedding anniversary party. It was a grand occasion. The best Comedian in town was at his best, the food was delicious and tables were quivering from the weight of various brands of alcoholic and non- alcoholic beverages. I was enjoying myself when suddenly, I noticed them.

The moment they entered the hall their beauty and elegance caught my attention. My eyes darted all over the couple. The lady exuded sophistication. Her shoes were obviously worth a little fortune. My gaze shifted to her husband, his stature and the way the expensive two - button knit blazers clung to his torso would make any woman glad to have him by her side. The dolled up baby in his arms looked more like an ornament. They must be celebrity couples, I thought with an appreciative smile...
I was amazed when they claimed the vacant seats around our table. I smiled at the beautiful couple and made funny faces at the baby which had no effect.  Since I was obviously staring, I decided to respect myself and focus on the comedian on the stage. Before long, I was rippling with laughter like every other guest in the cool hall.  I was enjoying the jokes and had forgotten the lovely people beside me when suddenly, something caught my attention. Most of the canned drinks on the table had disappeared. 
"Oginikwa? What happened?" 

Something strange was up, so I decided to shine my eyes. Pretending to be engrossed with the entertainment, I slanted a glance at the elegant couple. The man was busy bouncing the baby on his lap. I turned towards the lady and the riddle of the missing drinks became solved.
She was about to drop the fish from her plate inside an almost filled bag on the floor between her legs!! I gasped out, she met my gaze and froze. I was speechless…


  1. Very interesting Nikky. I saw such at a wedding once. D woman's igele was d highest. She was just packing things into her very big handbag. We later found out that she was not even on d guest list.

    I fear gorgeously dressed People these days o

  2. Very funny. Nikky forget their looks they are gate crashers. They are always at weddings. They just dress up, land and chop.

  3. Hahahahahahaha!!! Red handed ooh

  4. Abi she beat you to it ni... u dey slant eye lol Una know unaself - members

  5. Troublemaker you are not serious oh!! hahahaha!!!!

    I nearly wept from the shame

  6. Borrow pose. Even baby fit be borrow

  7. Poverty alleviation party 💃 funny


  8. Laughing at "Poverty alleviation party"

    they are not peculiar to Nigeria. Some people are just like that.


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